Do you like going against the grain? Push the limits, bend the rules, basically move to the beat of your own drum? Do you believe there are no rules in life or magic? Then you may be a chaos witch. However, this path is not for everyone. It requires tons of practice as well as loads of determination and discipline. This path is a demanding one and you must be well grounded. The chaotic life is not for everyone.
What is a Chaos Witch?
A chaos witch is a witch that doesn’t follow “standard” practices. Much like an eclectic witch, a chaos witch follows their own path. This is a path of experimentation and creativity. They are constantly learning new things and embrace change at all times. What makes this witch type so chaotic is that there is constant change. Not sticking to one type of practice or belief, and that one’s beliefs are choices. Choices that they make. They like to play around with the universe and see how the universe reacts back to them. The witch controls their life and what happens in it. The universe is nothing but an illusion. An illusion that can be manipulated.
A true chaos witch will be able to de-condition themselves from one belief and jump to the next with no issues. One day you might be all into Egyptian deities and the next you might move on into Nordic deities and then move into Greek. It is a path of constant change and transformation.
Something interesting I found out about chaos witches is the lack of magical tools they need or use. All they tend to use is their body and mind. The magic is in the intention, not the tool. You are the tool. Using your own beliefs as a tool to create change. They might not even have a Book of Shadows.
Is chaos magic bad?
Over the years this individualized path has gotten a bad rep. When people hear the word chaos, they automatically think of the worst. Thats not the case here. Chaotic magic is neither white nor black magic. Much like regular magic that we use, there is no one side. It is both. Just like in nature. She can be calm, cool, and collected and then she will erupt in chaotic disasters. There is a balance to everything.
What makes a chaos witch chaotic is the ability to change their beliefs, have no set rules and willing to push the boundaries (and sometimes beyond). This is not a witch type that asks the universe for anything. They instead force it.
There is also no tradition as a chaos witch. Everything is always changing, and a practice that was used in the past may not work in the present or future. So, traditions are not something you will find in chaotic witchery.
Not much is known about the origins. It did however become widely popular in the 1980’s in England with English writer Peter Carroll. He is an occultist, writer, a physics graduate and is also an originator of the chaos magic theory. However, he was not the first in chaos magic.
Austin Osman Spare born in 1886 is known as the grandfather of chaos magic. By using sigils alongside of gnosis (an altered state of consciousness), he powered his chaos magic. Unfortunately, he didn’t live long enough to see chaos magic come to where it is now.
During this time, a man named Aleister Crowley also played a small role and influence on this type of witchcraft. Helping it to morph into what it is today with the deconditioning and experimentation that is used in chaos witchery. He also introduced the idea of the syncretic approach. Which is the practice of combining different beliefs and various schools of thought.
Chaos witchery began to grow more once Wicca came on the scene in the 50’s and 60’s, but it didn’t start flourishing until the mid-70’s. In 1976-1977, the first chaos magic organization was born. This organization was known as the Illuminates of Thanateros. A year later the first books on chaos magic were published. Liber Null by Peter Carroll and The Book of Results. The chaos magic movement began to spread not long after. Going from the inner circles of Peter Carroll’s group and moving outward to others in Yorkshire.
Chaosphere or Chaos Star
A chaosphere or a chaos star is an eight-arrow star shape that represents the ebb and flow of nature and energies. This star is often used in sigils to amplify intentions or use this symbol to channel chaotic energies in your spells and rituals.
Signs you may be a chaos witch
If you are unsure if you fall into the chaos witch type, there are some easy ways to see if this path is right for you or not.
- Adrenaline Junkie
- Like making/using sigils
- Breaks social conditioning
- Use with bibliomancy
- Does not care to follow rules
- Not tied down to one belief
- Belief that you make your own fate
- Thinks life is nothing but an illusion that can be manipulated
- Loves to experiment
- Creative
- Use of the subconscious mind to observe the real world
- Despises spiritual dogma
- Unconventional
- No limitations
These are just a few signs, but I hope you get the idea. Chaos magic is not for everyone and that is ok. Even if you are not a chaos witch, this witch type is still fascinating.
What witch type would you like me to cover next? Leave a comment ad let me know.