One of the allures to witchcraft isn’t just the aesthetic of it all. It is the ability to steer the universe in your favor when casting a spell. But what kind of spells are there? How do we know which ones we should use? When should we use them? Knowing the different types of witchcraft spells will give you a better understanding when it comes time to use them.
It may seem simple enough to just say a spell to get what you want in that moment but remember that spells take time and patience, and spells can backfire if you are not careful. Witchcraft is not a game to be played. Tapping into the powers of the universe is no small feat and should be respected.
For example, say there is a boy/girl that you want to notice you. So, you dive into all the spells that will attract this person to you. You find one and do the spell. Next thing you know it, this person is non-stop calling/texting you, emailing you, hitting up all of your social medias, stopping over at your house unannounced, you get the picture. And all you wanted was for them to just acknowledge that you exist. Something so small and innocent can blow up to something huge really quick if you are not careful. And undoing a spell is so much harder than casting one. This is why knowing the types of witchcraft spells are so important.
What is a spell?
A spell is a combination of words spoken out loud to manipulate the energies of the universe to fulfil a specific intention or purpose. Spells draw in the energy around you as well as the energy within you. The energy within you is powered by your emotions. And this energy along with the energies you draw from your surroundings work together to manifest your spell’s purpose.
Drawing energy into your spells
Meditation before casting a spell is a way you can build up your inner energies. Most of the power that goes into your spells comes from your own personal power. If you think you do not have the inner power to manifest your spell work, just know that EVERYONE has inner power. Finding your confidence within yourself will make your spells so much stronger. Believe in YOU!
Items you use in your spells will lend a hand with the building of energies. Items such as crystals, oils, candles, deity statues (when working with a specific deity), and herbs can be used in your spell work to help you draw in more energy.
You can also ask a God/Goddess(es) to help you with your manifestations as well. However, you must already have built a relationship with the deity before asking for their help in any of your spell workings. You do not want to be rude. Respect is an important part to working with any deity. You wouldn’t appreciate some random stranger coming up to you demanding you to help them with what they want exactly when they want it. Sounds a little off-putting, doesn’t it?
Conducting your spell during a specific lunar phase can help with your spells. Being able to draw down the moons energy and use that energy in your spell may make your it more effective.
“White Magic” vs “Black Magic”
Many believe in the concept of there being white magic and black magic. White magic being all good magic that helps and heals, and black magic being evil magic where the witch casts hexes and curses. And there is nothing wrong with that belief. But it is not the only belief. As Lirio says in the 1996 movie The Craft, “True magic is neither black nor white. It’s both because nature is both. Loving and cruel all at the same time.” This belief also rings true. And really it is up to you to decide what you believe.
If you are unsure what to think about this, ask yourself if you believe in the three-fold law and karma. If this is something you do believe in, then you can make your decision based on that. If you do not believe in the three-fold law or karma, then the door is pretty much open for you to do as you wish.
Whether you decide to do white magic, black magic, or even a little bit of both, this decision is ultimately yours and yours alone. This witchcraft journey that you are on is yours, no one else’s. So do not let others influence the direction you wish to take.
Types of Witchcraft Spells
Probably one of the most popular spell types but can also get you into the most trouble if you are not careful. As I mentioned in the beginning of this post, you have to be very specific in your intentions. A spell can go awry so quickly and end up giving you the opposite of what your real intentions were.
Love spells are not just for attracting someone to you. There are love spells to get over loving someone, this could also involve a cord-cutting ceremony. There are self-love spells which in my opinion is the only love spell I truly need. Loving yourself is just as important if not more important than having someone else love you.
Who doesn’t like a little extra cash in their pocket? Maybe you want to get a raise at your job or get out of debt. Money spells can help you manifest what it is you desire.
These spells will not make you rich overnight. They also will not work if you do not put in some effort as well. You cannot cast a money spell and just sit on the couch all day every day waiting for it to manifest right in front of you. The universe does not work like that. You too have to put in effort.
Work/ Career
This type of witchcraft spell focuses on your work life. This could be spells to help you get a promotion or be able to land an interview. Do you have a coworker that you want to stay away from you? Or do you wish to start up a business of your own?
Work spells are just like money spells in the sense that you too have to put in the effort. If you are looking for a job and need to get an interview, casting a spell will not do you any good if you are not turning in applications. If you are looking to get a promotion, you cannot show up late, not do your work, and slack off all day and expect the spell to help you land that promotion. You still have to put forth the effort and the spell is to give you that extra boost to get you noticed by your boss. These spells require work, patience and determination.
Family and Friends
These are the types of witchcraft spells that focuses on helping others. This could be healing, strengthening, or supporting a loved one. The ones around us play such an important role in our lives and sometimes we want to help them in their time of need. If a friend is sick, you can do a healing spell as you make them some nice hot soup.
When doing spells on your loved one, make sure you have their consent before doing so. A spell will only work if the person is open to it. And it is just respectful to them.
Healing and Health
Healing spells are not just for when you are sick. They are also used for physical, mental and psychic energy as well. These spells take time and are not something to rush. It takes time for one to build up their immune system, and you have to look at it from that perspective. Nothing is instant.
Protection spells play such an important role in a witches practice. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner witch or an advanced witch. This type of witchcraft spell is crucial. From protecting your home to your car to protecting yourself from any negative energies that may be around you or sent to you by another witch.
Abundance spells give you a chance to bring more to your life. And it does not have to be money. Do you wish to be a bit luckier? Do you need more positivity in your life? Or are you looking to raise your self-esteem? Wherever you feel like you need just a little bit more, abundance spells are the way to go.
These spells are not ones that a beginner witch should just dive right into. Abundance spells not only take up a lot of your energy but can also take a lot of time to get down. This is a spell type that requires a bit of practice and dedication. For these types of witchcraft spells your intentions must be strong and firm in your mind (as should all of your spells).
This type of witchcraft spell will not be for everyone. And if you are one that says no way then that is fine. You do you boo! However, maybe keep in mind the possibility that one day you may feel different. I too find it hard to forgive others and especially hard to forgive myself. But holding onto grudges is not good for our mental health or our physical health. Forgiveness spells help us find our inner peace which will in turn help in keeping peace and positivity around you, your home and those around you as well.
Success spells are another spell type that takes patience and dedication to work properly. When casting these types of spells, make sure your intentions are realistic to what your goals are. Success does not have to come in the form of work or money. It could be success in finding self-love or creating positive change in your life.
Who doesn’t think they could use a little bit more luck once in a while? This is where luck spells come in handy. However, this type of spell is not for winning the lottery. So do not waste your precious time and energy. Luck spells are along the lines of having a job interview and doing a luck spell to increase your chances of getting the job. Be practical.
Hexes and Curses
I couldn’t end this list without putting in hexes and curses. Although a lot of witches do not believe in using hexes and/or curses, a lot of witches do. Hexes and curses are magic used to punish those who have wronged you (or someone you care about). There are different levels of hexes and curses. It can be as small as sending someone bad luck for a period of time to more extreme punishments. I’ve heard of some witches wanting to punish their cheating boyfriend by making his “member” not work anymore. YIKES!
Using hexes and curses in your craft is a personal preference. You can be fully for it, fully against it, or somewhere in between. I fall in the in between. I have never used a hex or curse, and I really do not plan to. But I cannot say I will never do one. I do not know what the future has in store. I may need to do one at some point.
How many of these types of witchcraft spells have you tried? Do you use hexes and curses in your practice? What us witches can accomplish with spell work truly is magical.
Hey people!!!!!
Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!