The witches ladder is a braiding practice used in folk magic and witchcraft. This type of knot magic has many uses and can be customized to something specific to the witch creating it.
What is a witches ladder?
A witches ladder is a tool used by witches to make changes to the world around them. A traditional ladder consists of nine knots. Each knot holds an intention or a specific spell. The knots are thought to bind the intended energy within the knot. Once the ladders construction is complete, use it like you would a rosary. Hang it up in a room, or specific place or hold it and meditate with it. Focusing on the intentions bound within its knots.
This talisman is one that is personal and should only be crafted by you and handled by you. This is not something you gift to someone else. If someone you know is interested, share the knowledge (or this article :)) on how to craft their very own witches ladder.
What can I use it for?
Probably the best part of the witches ladder is how customizable it really is. Anything you can think of, any intention can be woven into your ladder. Here are some of the most common uses.
Protection and Binding
One of the most common uses is for protection. Witches ladders were crafted to protect against the evil eye. The witches ladder was made specifically for this. Each knot was bound with the intention of protection from this hex. It is believed that the evil eye would travel up the ladder, slowly getting weaker and weaker as it climbed and getting lost or trapped within the knots.
When making a wishing ladder, each knot can be a different wish. As you want each wish to come to fruition, undo the knot that holds the intention you wish to come forth. Undo a knot a day or wait every couple of days. You can also wait longer if you wish. I like the idea of giving a decent amount of time between unraveling knots. This allows your spell or intention time to manifest.
The true origins are unknown. This could have been a practice used for centuries. However, one of the oldest witches ladder was found in a home in 1878. Now, this is said to be just a rumor. It may hold all, some or no known facts. So, take it how you will.
In Wellington, Somerset England 1878 a home was getting prepped for demolition. This house was rumored to be the home of a witch. As construction workers worked through the home, they made their way up into the attic. Up in this attic, they found some belongings from what might have been from the previous owner. These items were an old armchair (believed to be where the witch slept) and six brooms (the witch’s means of transportation). Hidden amongst these items was an old cord knotted up with chicken feathers. This cord was thought to be the witches method of climbing back and forth between houses. It was also believed to be used in hexes as well as stealing milk from the neighbor’s cattle.
Now this discovery took place during the Victorian Era. During this time is when spiritualism was becoming popular all over the region.
Sailors also used knot magic. By tying and untying knots in the ropes to control the sails. This was done with the intention of taking control of the wind in order to control the boat. By increasing or decreasing the amount of wind impacting the sails.
How to make a witches ladder
Do not feel limited to the list below. Get creative and use specific items that correspond with your desired intentions. Natural materials are great for extra energy. Also, use color symbolism to match your desired purposes.
- yarn, cord, ribbon
- feathers
- beads
- crystals
- sticks
- shells
- charms
- Cleanse your materials. Clearing away any unwanted energy and allowing your energy to flow through your items.
- Cut 3 strands of cord (cut pieces longer than you think you need)
- Tie the strands together and make a loop at the top of the strands (this step is optional, mainly used when hanging up your ladder)
- Begin braiding your cord. Follow up the braid with a knot, adding in any extra charms, beads, etc. Your ladder should have anywhere between 3-9 knots. (leave some space between knots)
- Recite the following incantation as you craft each knot in your ladder. Saying one line for each knot. (example: if your ladder only contains six knots, you will only recite six of the nine lines)
- After completing your ladder, recite “X” amount of lines for a final time to finish off your witches ladder.
There are many incantations for the witches ladder. You may use whichever one you choose. However, I do recommend maybe finding ways to reword some or all of the lines to coincide with your desired purposes. One big thing in magic, not all incantations or spells work the same for everyone. So, making it your own increases the energy within your intentions which allows a higher success rate.
Incantation #1
Incantation #2
What if it breaks?
If your ladder breaks during the construction process, bury it and start over. Your intentions may have been too strong for the cord to handle.
When your ladder has been around for a while and it breaks out of nowhere, it may be due to your intentions manifesting. However, if your ladder was being used for protection, it is time to make a new one.
Once your witches ladder has served its purpose (or breaks) dispose of it by burying it or burning it.
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