The ansuz (ahn-sooz) rune is the most powerful mind-rune. Known as the messenger rune the ansuz rune is best used for communication. This could be family, friends, partners, co-workers etc. Ansuz is the fourth in the elder futhark runic alphabet.
Ansuz Rune Meaning
The meaning of ansuz is “a god”, “ancestral god”, and “mouth”. Other names for the ansuz rune are ansus, AS, and OS.
Ancient Meaning
The name ansuz in Old Norse was “AS” meaning “a god”, which was referred to as one of the Aesir, Odin. Odin (chief deity in Norse mythology) gained wisdom by hanging himself from Yggdrasil (World Tree) for nine days to gain the wisdom of the runes. He also sacrificed one of his eyes in order to drink from the well of Mimir in order to gain more wisdom. This is why Odin is well known for his mental power. Which is why his energy coincides so well with the ansuz rune.
As the people throughout Scandanavia started converting over to Christianity, “AS” was eventually changed to “OS” meaning “mouth”.
According to Norse mythology, ansuz was the key in the creation of mankind. Odin gifted the first primal humans Askr and Embla with önd, which means breath or spirit. It was believed that Odin also gifted man with the ecstasy of wisdom with Óthroerir (the exciter of inspiration). A magical mead that once consumed, that individual was granted the gift of a scholar or skald.
Using the Ansuz Rune
Before being able to use the ansuz rune, we must first understand it a little better. This powerful mind-rune is the perfect rune for those who are creative (especially writing) and those who wish to seek wisdom. Working with ansuz can inspire and help get the creative juices flowing. Use ansuz to help increase your word strengths, normal and magical.
Meditate with ansuz when you are in need of wisdom. Chant and project ansuz in your mind to help stimulate your mental activity. Allow yourself to open up for messages to be received.
Anything that has to do with words are a great thing to do while working with ansuz. Playing word games, writing, word magic (charms, spells, etc.), and poetry. Let ansuz inspire and work your mind into creating something magical.
This is the perfect rune to work with while conducting any sort of divination. Using ansuz can help open you up to the messages you wish to seek or the messages that you need to hear.
Rune Casting
Just like in tarot, when you cast your runes upon a surface, how they land is how you read them. There is an upright and a reverse. Upright meaning the symbol is facing the right direction. When its reversed, this means that the symbol is in an upside-down direction.
What do these rune positions mean?
Communication in relationships, connection with the Divine, inspiration, creativity, transformation
When you get the ansuz rune upright, be open to receiving messages from the Divine. Look for hidden messages, pay attention to any encounters, look for signals. These may not be obvious; nothing can ever be that simple but keep your eyes and ears open to the messages that are trying to be told to you.
The universe is always trying to speak to us, we just need to open ourselves up to hear it.
Spiritual imbalance, lack of clarity, issues with communication, separation from self
When casted in reverse, it is time to look into yourself and reconnect with your mind. Something is fogging you up and it’s time to deal with whatever it is so you can progress to your full potential.
Taking Up the Runes by: Diana L. Paxson
Norse Magic & Runes by: Frederick Strom
Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic by: Edred Thorsson
The Book of Runes by: Ralph H. Blum