Cleansing is an essential when it comes to witchcraft. This is a step that can be easily overlooked, especially after getting a new item. I know as soon as I leave the store with a new crystal or a new deck of tarot cards, I immediately want to use it. However, these items have built up their own energies from the space that they previously occupied as well as any energy left behind from someone who has ever handled that item as well. This is why you should never forget to cleanse your witchcraft tools.
Why is it important to cleanse your witch tools?
When using your tools in a ritual or spell, you want to make sure that there is only your energy and intentions in your tools. By not cleansing your witchcraft tools, you are then bringing all outside energies into your ritual or spell. This could lead to different results and outcomes than what you initially set out for. And if you are doing a love spell… oh my could that be a problem!
Luckily there are many ways to cleanse your tools and although it may seem like a daunting task, it does not take much time to successfully cleanse your witchcraft tools.
Some of these methods do include fire. If you live somewhere where fire is not allowed, do not worry! There are many methods that do not include fire at all and will give you the same results.
Different Cleansing Methods
When choosing the right cleansing method keep in mind that some items cannot be cleansed by certain methods. For example, there are some crystals that may be ruined if it got wet or was submerged in water. You also would not want to hold something flammable over an open flame. These are important things to keep in mind before selecting your cleansing method. Be sure to do your research so you’re not wasting money and ruining your potentially expensive tool.
Smoke Cleansing
This is probably the most common method to cleanse your witchcraft tools or just cleansing in general. Smoke cleansing can be done with herbs or incense.
Take a lighter to the end of your dried herb bundle or incense, hold the flame there until it begins to ember and produces smoke. You may have to blow on the end to keep the ember going. If it keeps going out, you may need to hold the lighter at the end a while longer. Once a nice smoke is produced, move your item through the smoke. Feel all the negative and unwanted energies lift off of the item and cast it out. Out of the tool and out of your space.
Common herbs used to smoke cleanse your witchcraft tools
- Parsley
- Sage
- Thyme
- Eucalyptus
- Frankincense
Common incense used to smoke cleanse your witchcraft tools
- Sage
- Palo Santo
- Sandlewood
- Frankincense
- Myrrh
- Lavender
- Eucalyptus
- Dragon’s Blood
- Lemongrass
- Rosemary
- Juniper
Smoke Cleansing vs Smudging
What is the difference between smoke cleansing and smudging? We have all heard both terms used, so they must be the same right? How the method is physically done is the same, but the intentions are quite different.
Smudging is practiced in Native American Indigenous cultures. Using a smudge stick, usually made from indigenous herbs like white sage are used in closed practices. White sage is a sacred herb and is on its way to be endangered. If you choose to use white sage be sure that it has been ethically harvested and bought from a trusted and reliable source.
Smoke cleansing can be done with any type of sage. Garden sage is the easiest to use because you can grow it at home in your garden. Once it has grown, dry it out and tie the leaves together in a bundle and you are ready to go!
Cleansing with Fire
Fire cleansing is an easy method but can also be dangerous if you are not careful. This method is simply done by either lighting a lighter and holding the tool you wish to cleanse over the flame or lighting a candle (preferred way) and holding it over the candle for a few seconds. You really don’t need more than that. Make sure that you are not putting the tool into the flame. Hover the tool over the flame a few inches. Not enough for the item to burn, melt or come in contact with the flame but enough to feel a little heat. Hold the item over the flame twisting it around to cleanse every side.
Do not use this method if your tool is flammable or can be ruined by heat and BE CAREFUL not to burn yourself!
Cleansing with Water
Cleansing with water is super simple. All you need is a container big enough to hold your tool and some water. Specialty water is recommended for this but is also not necessary. These specialty waters could be moon/solar water or storm water (to name a few). Match your type of water with your intentions. If you wish to have your tool more energized, solar water would be the best choice whereas storm water could be more chaotic. Place the tool into the right sized container and pour the specialty water over top. Let it sit for a few seconds and remove the tool.
Discard the water from the container by bringing it outside. Dump the water somewhere off of the property.
Sound Cleansing
Sound cleansing is a great method for not only clearing negative energies out of objects, but also out of your space. This method has been dated back to ancient civilizations. Sound has powerful effects on the mind, body and spirit.
There are so many ways you can use sound when cleansing your witchcraft tools or your space. Bells are very popular. A singing bowl is another great method as well. If you do not have any of these items, don’t worry! You do not have to go out and buy an item to do this cleansing method.
Sound cleansing can be accomplished just by simply snapping your fingers or clapping your hands. Think of your claps as smacks to the negative energies. Smack those unwanted energies away with very loud claps, like when you are trying to chase a pet away from something they’re not allowed to be into.
Salt and Earth Cleansing
Grounding is not only a way for our bodies to connect with mother nature and the universe, but it can also be used to ground our witchcraft tools. Just by placing the tool in an appropriate sized container and covering that item with salt or dirt.
This method tends to take longer than the other methods. You are going to want to leave this item buried for a few hours to maybe even a day. Whichever time frame feels right to you. This gives the salt or dirt time to absorb those energies and bring your tool back to a neutral state.
When finished with the cleansing, remove the salt or dirt from your home and dispose of it. If using salt, it can go right into the trash. Remove the trash bag and bring it outside to the can right away. The last thing you want is those unwanted energies finding their way back into your space. If using dirt, remove it from the house and bring it outside. Be sure to dump the dirt somewhere off of your property.
Cleansing with Visualization
Visualization is a method that can be done anywhere by anyone. To clear away negative or unwanted energies from an item close your eyes and picture these energies being lifted away and banished out of the item and out of your space.
Some people like to visualize a ball of light. This light may resemble the energies being removed or it may resemble the energy you are using to chase away the unwanted energies. Just be sure that during your visualization that the energies you cast away are sent outside of your space as well as out of the item.
Crystal Cleansing
Cleansing with crystals can be more on the expensive side if you do not already own cleansing crystals. There are some crystals that hold the power to self-cleanse. Selenite and clear quartz are the most common crystals said to be able to self-cleanse. Set the crystal on top of the tool you wish to cleanse. Let it sit there for a few hours.
I prefer to use this method when it comes to tools that may be damaged by other methods like my tarot deck. The last thing I want to do is have my deck come in contact with water or fire. Being able to lay my deck out on the table and put a crystal on top of it and simply walk away to let the crystal do its job makes cleansing them super easy to do.
Common cleansing crystals are;
- Selenite
- Clear Quartz
- Bloodstone
- Tourmaline
- Amber
- Citrine
Cleansing with Essential Oils
The possibilities are endless when it comes to cleansing with essential oils. You get to choose whichever cleansing oil you wish to complete the cleanse, or you can combine oils to make a cleansing blend. Add 8-10 drops of your oil(s) of choice to a spray bottle with water. Bonus if it a type of specialty water. This is not necessary though. Then just spray your blend over top of the item (not directly on it). Just a light mist over the item or in your space.
Some cleansing oils are;
- Frankincense
- Sage
- Lemongrass (any citrus oil)
- Eucalyptus
- Cedarwood
I like to use lemon or lemongrass as my oil of choice. It’s very uplifting and energizing as well as bringing a positive feeling to my space.
Sweeping Away Unwanted Energies
This method really is not one for cleansing witchcraft tools. It is a great method for cleansing a space. Sweeping using a broom also known as a besom is not like the average household broom. This is not a broom you sweep dirt away on the floor but the air and energies in the air.
To do this method, start at the far end of your home and start sweeping. Make your way through each room, gathering all of the unwanted energy into a pile. If you wish, feel free to say any chants, spells or blessing while doing this part. Once you have made it throughout your home, sweep this pile of unwanted energy right out the front or back door.
What is your favorite method to cleanse your witchcraft tools? Let me know in the comments below.